Modern snacks are taking on new dimensions. Along with changing consumer preferences, there’s a growing trend for healthier snacks and those with more uncommon flavors and experiences. 

With Generation Z leading the change, consumers are putting plant-based foods, sustainable packaging, environmental concerns, and authentic tastes at the forefront of their choices. Here are the snack trends we see taking shape in 2024 and beyond. 


Health-Oriented Snacks

Eating healthy is a key focus for newer generations. Gen-Z snacks in particular are full of natural, wholesome ingredients in fresh, exciting combinations. The top trending snacks use diverse, colorful ingredients that show the beauty of imperfection, bring bold flavors, and reach back to heirloom varieties and ancient grains. 

These healthy snack trends are not limited to shelf products, either, with operators and DIY enthusiasts leaping into the mix. Snack flavors might see sweet-savory red pepper mixed with fiber-rich chia seeds and topped with a dusting of spicy chipotle pepper seasoning. Another combination we see is red beetroot with sweet potato and parsnip. Topped with sea salt, this root vegetable snack brings an earthy mix of sweet and savory. 

Whatever combinations they're in, the top healthy snacks are about getting closer to nature. There’s a conscious desire to pair locally sourced ingredients with hand-picked selections. In many cases,  a connection to a farm, backyard garden, or rooftop garden is an appealing driver that shapes consumer decisions. Choosing shelf products or snack menu items with a farm-to-table approach falls in line with Gen Z interests. Although previous generations have shown care for the environment, it's the youngest adults driving the demand for consumer products with a strong climate focus. 

With these increasing environmental concerns, young consumers want to purchase from brands sharing their vision. They seek out snacks and other products that make climate a priority, reading labels and packaging to find nutritious ingredients that boost their health and the earth's. 

An environmental focus has led to shifting food preferences, with vegetables becoming the stars in plant-based cuisines. However, we also see them paired with fruits — such as oranges with carrots and beetroot or avocado with mango and mixed greens. Another trend is bringing ancient grains and lesser-known seeds and nuts into the snack market. From chia seeds and pine nuts to pistachios, amaranth, hemp, and linseeds, the ingredient options have grown significantly. 


Related: The Latest Trends in Snacks, Nuts, and Trail Mix


Sustainability Practices 

Snack consumption is also becoming more sustainable. Modern consumers have gained interest in zero-waste eating, where typical scraps and discards take on a second life and are upcycled or repurposed into new foods. This increasingly mainstream trend puts sustainability in full focus, a practice that many Gen Z consumers support. 

What are the most common trends? Think homemade crackers made with leftover veggie pomace or miso dips made with edamame and calamansi husks. We’re also seeing snack brands use unwanted fruits and vegetables and turn them into delicious products. 

Some brands use vegetables grown locally that don’t meet size requirements and would otherwise be wasted. This mission reduces food waste and keeps nutritious food in rotation. Another brand might use the “ugly” vegetables and fruits that don’t make it to food stores, turning them into delicious snack chips. Dusted with bold spices and herbs, unwanted foods become healthy snacks that support the trending zero-waste lifestyle. 

These eco-friendly products use spent grains, pulps, and pomace, turning them into new foods that are perfect for snacking. Across the world, we see second-life foods moving from the edges toward the mainstream. Interestingly, these global trends for food products also extend to fermentation. 

Fermented foods are gaining popularity as more consumers hear about health benefits and nutritious flavor profiles. One way operators support these sustainability practices is to blend koji with leftover fruits, vegetables, bread crusts, dairy waste, or cheese rinds. Using koji to ferment discarded foods, they create snack foods and beverages with widespread appeal.  


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Innovative Snack Food Formats

Along with sustainable products comes sustainable packaging. We’re seeing changes in how products are packaged and served to consumers, with biodegradable or compostable wrappers that don’t contribute to plastics pollution. Takeout containers were already starting the compostable packaging trend. Now, snack food brands work hard to appeal to consumer demands for less waste. 

Another trend is listing the carbon footprint on packaging. Today's consumers pay more attention to how their food is grown and prepared, with increasing interest in carbon-neutral production. By adding carbon details to the packaging, operators and brands help relay this information and show their efforts to minimize waste.

New snack innovations also cater more to portion control. We’re seeing more snacks offered in miniature sizes and compact formats like balls and bites. This change appeals to shifting consumer preference for more purposeful snacking. 

There’s a growing tendency for consumers to enjoy indulgent snacks in small amounts rather than snacks designed for low-fat or low-calorie diets. Modern consumers want healthy snacks, but they also want authentic ingredients. We’re also seeing that savory snacks can be as satisfying and desirable as sweet snacks, especially when made with wholesome ingredients that consider the climate and social environment. Fillers and other additives are becoming less acceptable. 


Global Flavor Insights

Finally, global taste is a desirable attribute of food products, including snacks. While consumers want local ingredients and sustainable snacks, they also want to savor the indulgence. This is where global ingredients like herbs and spices play a role. 

Big, punchy flavors are rising across the snack industry, especially spicy jalapeño, cayenne, habanero, and Sichuan peppers. Sauces like gochujang and sriracha are equally hot in global snack trends, with consumers loving their tangy, pungent notes and strong heat. South African peri peri sauce is also gaining popularity. This fiery sauce has intense heat along with sharp citrus and flavorful herbs, livening up many snacks and bringing authentic flavors to indulgent snacks. 

For base ingredients, we see snack brands turning to everything from jackfruit and algae to puffed lentils, lotus seeds, and lupini beans. These foods are blended with various herbs and vegetables, becoming a nutritious yet exciting way to snack. 

Are you ready for more snack trend insights? To find out which foods are up-and-coming, contact Symrise today!

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